Thursday, October 4, 2007

Radiohead- Videotape

I realized late last night that I've been feeling a void in my life for about 2-3 years now. I quit listening to Radiohead shortly after college because I felt like I was becoming too heavily influenced by them; I was singing in my yet-to-be finely tuned falsetto voice, playing quirky chords on guitar, and every song I wrote made me want to cry. At about 1:30 am last night I came across this video of Thom Yorke performing "Videotape" (the last song off the upcoming Radiohead album "In Rainbows") and I watched it 7 times in a row and felt human again. I hope you enjoy it. I've decided to dust off my OK Computer, Kid A and The Bends albums. It's comforting to know someone's out there making music like this today, it makes me want to stay out of bed.

1 comment:

Miss Alie Ward said...

Crying at work. Awesome.