Tuesday, September 18, 2007

If Only Those Compton Kids Had Taser Guns Instead

So there's a video circulating the "Internets" right now showing a University of Florida student being physically removed from a town hall style event with Massachusetts Senator John Kerry. The student is carried out of the university theatre by a number of police officers, eventually dragged to the floor and tasered after he clearly pleads "What did I do? Don't taser me bro. Don't taser me."

First, I'd like to state upfront, that kid was fucking annoying. No one likes a know-it-all or smug sarcasm so why present yourself in that fashion? The whole "You won the election! Isn't that great?" comment was unnecessary, distracting from the question at hand and ultimately ineffective in getting his question asked and answered. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern shows in the video below how to confront a government thug in a tasteful, effective, stern and intelligent manner. McGovern was short, direct, forceful and understood that instead of prefacing questions and then asking 3 separate questions, all at the same time, he'd just fire off one firecracker at a time, allow speech to transfer back and forth and actually get a dialogue established, eventually pinning his opponent into a debate where he was unable to squirm out of.

Back to the university student incident, isn't it illegal to assault someone for being annoying? Those campus cops were pathetic. There were at least 6 campus cops(in the shot of the camera, who knows how many outside of the camera's viewpoint) and they had to taser one guy for being annoying and asking too many questions. I'd like to taser most people that sit behind me in movie theatres and kick the back of my seat the whole show, but I don't because it's illegal. Hopefully the dipshit campus cops get fired and charged with assault. The thing I can't get over is that there were six of them. One, two, three, four, five, six. Six cops couldn't turn one guy on his stomach and handcuff him without the taser? I think they just wanted to test out the taser to make sure it was working. I keep reading on several news sites that the student "didn't receive any lasting injury". I think that's irrelevant. I'm guessing that none of those campus cops know what it's like to be tasered and if it is so harmless, before any campus cop gets a taser gun, he or she should be shot with it so they can know exactly how it feels and be less hesistant to use it on someone else, especially when you have 5 of your dunkin donut buddies standing by your side. At Truman State (the college I went to in Missouri), our campus police organization was called DPS, initials for Department of Public Safety. The Truman students and I knew the initials to stand for something else, "Dumb Pieces of Shit". Glad to see that the situation is as similar in Florida as it was at Truman.

The Front had practice last night. We were all pretty exhausted but gave a little more definition to the new songs. One of the new ones is called "Johnny Super Cop 5000", it's a song that serves as a training manual for becoming a police officer in this great police state we live in. We all went to The Happy Hollows last night at The Echo. It was the third time I've seen them this month, the best time I've seen them thus far. The crowds have grown week by week, word is getting around the neighborhood nicely.

More practice for The Front tonight. I'll keep you all up to date on exactly how many beers were drank, what we fought over and how many times I sighed in a very Napoleon Dynamite-like manner. Keep on rocking in the free world....... before your ass gets tasered because you're annoying the shit out of someone.

1 comment:

Miss Alie Ward said...

I have a really good taser gun story, but I can't tell it without consuming a bottle of whiskey first.