Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Yeah, well...........

So the fine folks at Indie Radio Chattanooga were kind enough to dedicate an entire show to The Front this past Sunday. Indie Radio Chattanooga host, Jimi Lee, dialed me up on my devil machine and I spoke through it with him for a short amount of time. Check out the interview if you get a chance; notice that I answer every question with a "Yeah...Well....."

Jimi could have easily asked me, "So Michael, we hear you like to have sex with dead people while eating mint chocolate chip ice cream?" and I would have most likely responded, "Yeah...Well....I like ice cream..........it's good". In all seriousness, thank you Jimi Lee for the support and showing the interest in the band. I hope I had something interesting to say.

I've been up for the past hour doing shots........of NyQuil! Bam! I don't if it was the fires, the new radiator I had installed or the Chipotle, but something popped into my routine today and made me sick. I woke up from a nap feeling like complete hell but forced myself to go to the Echo and I am damn glad that I did. I learned a valuable lesson tonight: Good music can help battle the common cold. The Monolators and Castledoor are two of Los Angeles' best new indie rock bands, I left the Echo with a slight headache, stuffed up nose and sore throat, but I left with a smile on my face and I's abouts to feels bettah tomorrow.

In Front news, we are playing a Halloween party this Saturday! Go here to access the flyer and for more Front dates. I have to go to the dentist during the day on Saturday, hopefully my mouth loses it's numbness in adequate time for me to rock and roll during the night. I'm looking forward to drinking with the 15 year olds and relating about how parents can get all up in one's shit and cramp one's style.

Glenn Close played a convincing bitch in "Rendition". It was a pretty decent flick; hopefully it'll stimulate and stir the torture debate in the U.S. It's pretty hilarious that we have a debate currently taking place in American society that asks the question, "Should we torture people?" I don't know exactly where I stand on the issue. I mean the people we are torturing, most of the time at least, aren't Americans, so who cares, right? Me, myself and I. Get some more gas for my Hummer please. Torture people and get them to tell us where they're hiding the oil. I hate paying too much for gas. I hate Arco's 45 cent charge. Torture, torture, torture. Should we torture? I just don't know. Really, I don't know. Really, I don't fucking know. I don't know if we should throw 5 year old children off cliffs either. Anyways, Glenn Close has been taking on a number of "I'm a bitch" roles (Rendition, Devil Wears Prada, etc...). For some odd reason, I think I'd decline the opportunity to meet with her, drink tea and chat.

Alright, I'm going to bed now. The NyQuil is doing what it does and I'm going to do what I do, which is sleep. Keep up the good fight and see you all on Saturday night. It's going to be a "Spooktacular" night!


kellykat said...

Glenn Close ain't in The Devil Wears Prada, yo. That's that whore, Meryl Streep.

But who cares. It's all pink, right?

Yeah, well....

Nice work.

Useless Michael said...

Turns out Glenn Close isn't in Rendition either! It's Meryl Streep. It was late and I was wonked out on NyQuil. I knew it was an old white chick, they all look the same to me.

...Banter said...

mmmm... mint chocolate chip...